Trick and treat

The trick today was a trick of mind. Elbows had to leave for London at 10am (so he told me), went out dog walking at 8.30, but hadn’t arrived back by 10.30am. I was supposed to be leading a Bible Study but thought that something was very odd with Elbows not back. So I walked off to the park and walked all around, looking for him and 2 dogs. No sign. And no answer to the 20 odd phone calls. My mind was all over the place. I stayed calm but was imagining all options over and over. He finally surfaced at 11.15am, saying his meeting had been cancelled and he’d met a friend and gone off walking with him.

The treat today was then driving off to JL in Wellyn with my work colleague, friend and fellow-blipper. It was a lovely afternoon.

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