From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Screen shot....

I have a lot to learn! And somethings I forget/don't remember! Like screen shots! Anyway, this tells a story. Fortunately S is a very happy and patient teacher! 

She has been off school for a few days this week. All her friends are in school of course, so she has been phoning me for company during the day and we've had fun. FaceTime has been good. 

Today we had a disco party. Her laser ball played wonderful patterns on the walls and ceiling of her room. Plenty of pink! Other times she’s demonstrated her skills with her new rainbow volleyball, or we've done quizzes via WhatsApp, always chatting. 

Sometimes " S, get off your phone!" has come up the stairs.....

She has the first of four secondary entrance exams tomorrow. She's just messaged to say she's excited. How good is that. She's such a great granddaughter! If only we could meet up afterwards for real. 

Otherwise it's been a very wet day and I've felt very demotivated, flitting from job to job. I did phone some elderly friends from church that we haven't seen for months and we had a good chat and caught up on the news. D has been back to the decorating, this time painting the architraves and skirting boards. 

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