Jagger and me by Mr C

Anyone who knows me will see something VERY strange about this picture. It is a one-off.

I am a dog person and strongly averse to cats. I don’t like the suddenness of them when they prowl up behind me and pounce. I don’t like the ripply feel of them to touch. I find their enigmatic eyes scary. So how come I’m sitting here with a cat on my lap - and smiling?

Well I had to admire his cheek. I had made an (illegal) call on #3 daughter to drop off an old IPad (it was out of action for months and suddenly sprang to life after I’d bought a new one) as Ella is now required to do her homework on-line and found her mum’s phone frustratingly small. I’d entered the garden by the back lane (and felt I needed to rest my sore foot!) I sat down for a few moments in the garden. Jagger sensed my antipathy as cats do and leapt onto my lap. Daughter couldn’t come to remove him as she couldn’t come near me and I was too traumatised to touch him to push him off.

Anyway he settled down and I got a bit less stressed so Mr C took my photo to send to #2 daughter.

I should point out that #3 daughter does not like cats either. They used to live next door to Jagger. Ella, who has always wanted a cat, used to kidnap him and take him into her old house. Even though they moved along the street further from his home he seems to spend most of the time with them though they don’t feed him. He even taps on the window to be let inside. Daughter has got used to him and find it quite relaxing doing school work with him on her lap.

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