
I looked after Amelia in the morning. She loved her tunnel.

Milo's inflatable collar arrived today and was put on him. We both had confidence in its ability to prevent him from licking his wound. More on that later

I had a dental appointment to fill a small hole. Spent the afternoon with a numb face. Hate to think how much it would have hurt without the numbing injections.

Went to see Les Miserable. The stage show is definitely better and entrances me more. The woman next to me cried throughout the whole film.

The film was followed by an early dinner at Pizza Express before all of the love birds descended on it.

We both enjoyed our pizzas.

Having left Milo all afternoon in his new collar we found that it didn't prevent him from licking his wound. He has licked his scabs off and hence delayed his healing.

I hope that everyone had a good Valentine's Day

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