The Road Less Traveled

Well Mr. Frost was from New Hampshire.  This is actually on my neighbor's property.  I don't know them and though I am tempted to see where it goes, I know better.  Forgive me for so many foliage pictures, but it has been just lovely this year.  There are two more in Extra because it's so hard to decide.
The little "outhouse" is original to the property and though it looks as though the picture is crooked, it's the structure not the photo.  

The debate last night was a debacle and is being touted as just that on most of the commentaries.  The next will be a different format with the candidates being asked questions directly from an audience of supposedly undecided voters.  It's all too much to watch and relate to.

Not much happening here.  Hard to believe September is over, but the weather has changed and after some rain last night, it is about 15 degrees cooler tonight.  Soon the shorts will be put away.  

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