From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

On my list...

I’ve not seen the stage version of Lion King yet. Always hoping and now, when we can’t, hoping even more. I noticed this lovely bright taxi across the road at school home time today. Good advertising.

Just a little bit of gardening done this morning. Emptying the remains of the summer bedding in my pots ready for the bulbs and winter planting. The little border plants are doing ok in their holding trays while the belated preparation of the bed continues. Lots of roots keep coming to the surface and need to be removed.

A happy time with an ex colleague this afternoon. Terrible traffic delays driving home and the fuel gauge got worryingly towards empty with no garage in sight.

I can’t believe it’s October tomorrow! I shall be doing my best to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month and find something pink in each Blip for 31 days. Quite a challenge.

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