Autumn Colours

The colours of autumn are just beginning to come into their own, and this was such a beautiful day to display them- mild, warm and sunny from the off.

The thing I miss most from the old castle is the garden with the washing line. I loved seeing the washing hanging out in the fresh air and I enjoyed making it an art form - small pleasures in my life of routine household management where the vacuum cleaner and cleaning products paid such a large part in the days of yore.

Now in my downsized Dower House with patio there is no washing line and although my washing dries very quickly on a clothes drier in the hot water cupboard it doesn’t smell of fresh air. Today with such a lovely day on the cards I decided to dry my bedsheets on the patio by making a tent over the patio table and chairs. It worked beautifully. Everything dried in the sun and I have just ironed them . I’m sure the look of drying sheets didn’t exactly add to the allure of the building but it certainly was different from the windows of T-shirt’s and boxer shorts so often displayed by the student population.

It was a social day too, a coffee meeting with a neighbour in the morning and a sit on the patio in the afternoon with my neighbour above, who presented me with 3 huge sunflowers to put in a vase. They may feature tomorrow in Blip.
It may be a day to look back on fondly as a chilly autumn and winter creep up behind us.

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