Cushion and Cake

Chris came in to the hospital today to meet me for lunch. We escaped the ward for an hour while Mack was sleeping, and treated ourselves to lunch at a nearby quirky tearoom called Cushion and Cake.

It was lovely. I had the Mediterranean platter which consisted of warm pitta, hummous, olives, cold meats, salad and sun dried tomatoes. Chris had the Ploughman's platter.

We then had chocolate brownies, scones and a delicious grenadine and vanilla tea. Beats the hospital canteen food any day!

Mack was weighed today and is 3.87kg. He's doing well and has approximately one more week left on his IV antibiotics.

Kerr wasn't feeling too good today so was kept off nursery. He had a sore head and sore tummy which required Calpol and cuddles. He spent most of the day at Gran and Grandpa's house, and fell asleep on Gran's knee this afternoon which is unheard of for him. Poor wee sausage.

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