By lizzie_birkett

Don't Look if You're Queasy...

...about blood!
I signed us up with the Office for National Stastistics - University of Oxford - Covid-19 Infection Survey. The purpose being to see how many people are getting Covid now that schools and business are open and how many are likely to get it in the future. I don't know how they can work all that out but we're doing our bit anyway.

The nurse - Lorna - came today to do swabs and take bloods from us both. For the next 5 weeks we have to do the swabs ourselves when another nurse assistant comes to the door. Thereafter once a month for a year we will have swabs and bloods done. We can pull out at any point if we wish but we won't unless we are are away on the boat next year.

For lunch we had Frank's scrumptious vegan sausage rolls with baked beans. The sausage rolls are from a recipe he found in a newspaper magazine; the filling is made from black beans, mushrooms and onions and the puff pastry (Jusrol)
was topped with poppy seeds. Yummeeee!

Now I'm going to cut out some patchwork squares.
Then I'm going to work on a poem I started this morning about cabbage!
This evening it will be knitting.

My day all sorted - with a bit of cleaning here and there.

We had photos of Isla and Arón going horseriding yesterday - a new venture for them!
Sabrina took Amelia and Lucy to see the Kelpies today as Amelia has been learning about Kelpies legends at school.
Poppy and Arlo have a new room at mum Anna's wee cottage for when they stay with her which is good because now they can choose to be at home or at Anna's.

Happy days :-)x

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