It's a Geeks Life

By geekmeek

Crikey, who turned the lights on!!

Quick cut and run today as it is camera club. So no valentines celebrations at the GeekMeek Towers!! I had a couple of blip options from the 4 shots I took today. But this one wins, it was so nice to see some sun. I thought it quite quirky too. It's SOOC so fits the rules.

Yes, only 4 shots taken before I took this on the iPhone. This is actually the 2nd version as I got a bit of window frame in the first. But in line with the rules I am not going mad.

There has been some speculation, doubt, concern over how long the embargo/photo diet will last. telsmudger kindly gave me the perfect and obvious suggestion last night.

I will be on my Street photography diet/straight jacket for the duration of Lent.

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