A cat's life

Tough life for Rog, he's off his food at the moment and being fussy - he goes through phases.  I'm sure he will follow me up to bed shortly, it's his nighttime routine. 

I tried to plough through some of the Masters work today and felt generally over-whelmed by it all, which I hope is common (I really hope so!).  Things are feeling a little better by this evening, but I have a long way to go. 

The husband looked after the boys for most of the day, all seemed to have fun in a slightly non-descript kind of day today.  Tears from the youngest this afternoon who just wanted to go to bed, he's loving school but is finding it exhausting at the moment. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Time to (try to) get to grips with the first assignment 
Morning run, which I desperately needed 
The boys playing really nicely this morning setting up farms all around the kitchen

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