I love all my pets .. all of them have a different personality.. Winnie isn’t my favourite as I truly don’t have one but because Winnies life was the most horrific before we adopted her from Many Tears dog rescue South Wales ( we also do a little bit of fostering for MT ) she gets away with more shenanigans, like running off and chewing up all the tennis balls and jumping up at people and excessive barking at anyone who is outside .. Winnie didn’t look like this when I collected her from the centre. She was broken in spirit and terrified and quite rightly angry . It took Win probably a year or so to be able to walk past Jim without cowering and shuffling . They think Win had produced about 4 litters of pups , she was only 3 when they took her from the puppy mill in Ireland with about a dozen other cockers all in various states of distress and all needing attention at the vets ..I don’t give all the details about my own rescues or our foster dogs as it tends to put people off their dinner.
Anyway here is my gorgeous girl , she’s been with us for over 3 years and she’s just perfect.
PS .. I think I need two new hips .. that’ll teach me to go on a long walk ;-)
PPS .. thank you ALL for the really lovely comments on yesterday’s blip xxxxxxx
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