Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

I was very very happy to finally see some porpoises in the estuary!  Other people have seen them but not me until today.  I was lucky and just happened to be in the right place at the right time.  The water was very calm and high tide had peaked.  I saw something moving out the corner of my eye which is when I saw them.  Only saw the fins though before they ventured off into the middle of the estuary.  It was so lovely there in the sunshine I didn't want to go home!

Just before I saw them I bumped into a couple I know with their 3-legged Romanian rescue dog.  She's really lovely and gaining in confidence and even let me give her a dog biscuit which is unusual for her.  One of her in extras collage  Misty was very happy to see her and did her usual barking with excitement.  Had another walk somewhere else later on as wanted to look at the clouds.  Some in extras including one of clouds over my house.

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