The Pareto Principle
The 80 20 rule ............... as Vilfredo Pareto noticed back in 1895, applies to my wardrobe. 20% of my wardrobe is worn 80% of the time. Very little of which is currently in my wardrobe, that's either in the flasket waiting to be ironed, or in the laundry box waiting to be laundered, consisting of jeans, tee shirts, & sweat shirts, so why I've got frocks in my wardrobe that I have either never worn or worn once since purchasing, secondhand of course, 5 years ago I don't know. This principle sprang to mind today as I opened the wardrobe door thinking about swapping my Summer collection for my Winter collection now that the season's are changing. Think about it.
Strangely enough a principle only brought to my attention earlier in the week by Josie, a principle that is very relevant in retail, one applied to purchasing product. Then weirdly enough two days later, I read an article in the newspaper, (I'm old school) quoting the same principle.
A busy morning on the allotment, ripping out spent crops, sweetcorn canes, weeding the root veg & leek beds, whilst chatting to Jim, my allotment neighbour, who sadly has to give up his allotment as he has moved out of Chudleigh, & the plot conditions stipulate you must live within a 1mile radius of the site. Possibly would'nt have been a problem but there are about a dozen names on the site waiting list. I top mulched 3 beds with the well rotted manure gathered backalong. Jim brought to my attention the fact that one of the clauses in the plot contract is that you are not allowed to leave ground covered with manure uncovered, it must be dug in. Not sure why .. someone will enlighten me I hope when I enquire. Likewise I seem to be paying a considerable amount more than Jim for approximately the same area. His being 1 complete plot, mine being 2 halves. I need to measure both Jim's & my pieces before asking the local council admin officer. Rent due by the 1st October.
Back blip .... I'm off to Brixham with Josie a little later, a local artist, whose work we both love has her studio open today as part of The Open Art Studio's September event. Her works are quite often LARGE & always VIBRANT. My recent live art workshop, the work of which I shared with you here, ('Leopard in Sheep's Clothing') was with Emily.
It's a glorious morning so Brixham will be zingy with colour.
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