The good news is.....

The good news is... we didnt have to get up as early 
The bad news we woke up earlier than usual.

The good news is... we have hot water in the bathroom!
The bad news is.. We have no hot water in the kitchen! We need a new tap!

The good news is.. we have an internet connection
The bad news... I couldn't connect to the internet on my phone or tablet 

The good news is.. I could connect to the internet on the old laptop and tv

You get the idea... it's been one of those days. 

More good news 
After searching the internet I did finally manage to reconnect  the 2 Android devices  to the internet, after several attempts.
We had a nice leisurely walk in the sun with Fletch
I went to Tesco and there was food on the shelves and nobody seemed to be over shopping. ( long may Joe Public continue to stay calm and see sense!)
Tea time walk was pleasant.. the sun was shining but slowly setting as the nights are drawing in .

Bad news? It was cold! 11 degrees. A contrast from last week.

Blip is the same view as Wednesdays blip but a very different sky. 

I'm hoping tomorrow is a relaxing stress free day....for everyone! 

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