Peerie Brian's Birthday Meal

A really windy day, and really cold, but it has been sunny all day.  

Another day working in the museum, and another fairly quiet day.  It should have been the start of Shetland Wool Week today, and I'm sure many would love to have been here for it.  Been out for a meal this evening.  Walkies with Sammy, and then feet up for a quiet night at home.

It's peerie Brian's birthday weekend, so we headed out for a meal to celebrate.  We managed to get seated together for a brief moment, but being three households, we needed to separate by 1m.  A lovely meal, and great to spend time with loved ones.  This new rules seem harsh, but hopefully will be for the better in the long haul.  L-R - Madeline, dad, mam, big Brian and peerie Brian.  Taken in the Lerwick Hotel.  

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