Cockermouth in Lockdown booklet

The Rotary Club has produced a 52 page booklet with more than 30 colour photos of Cockermouth in Lockdown...

A social history of Spring 2020.

It includes:- On the front line/ West Cumberland hospital...Thoughts from The Mayor of Cockermouth...A Care Home...Children/what lockdown meant to me...Shopping under lockdown/queuing...Rosettes on front doors...Masks/we were very unsure about wearing them...The streets were deserted...VE Day pictures...Key Workers/posties, bin men, tyre fitters, prescriptions delivered, nurses, doctors.

The weather was great during early Spring, so we have ended the booklet with several sunny photos of Cockermouth!

We printed 500 copies...they are selling FAST!

You have probably guessed that I took most of the photos...

We should make about a thousand pounds for local charities.

£5 each including postage.

Don’t miss the billboard headline from our local paper in my ‘extra‘ !

A great social history of our time in lockdown.

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