Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Just popping out ..

For an hour max ... sigh .. Winnie ( not pictured ) did one of her FOLLOW THE SCENT trails ... to cut to the chase she turned up at the car park whilst I was still looking for her in the woods ... she panicked the man said ... running wildly from car to car .. if I hadn’t been so relieved to see the little swine I’d have shouted .. I think she knew she was in the dog house (see what I did there ) as she was all cuddly and waggling. I’m now resting .. tomorrow I do the Chiltern 50Km ultra challenge. My micro rucksack is packed and so far I’ve raised over £650 for my branch of The Cats Protection . We’ve not long had a stray in who sadly needed his leg amputating.. he’s now very safe with a foster mum . Those operations do not come cheap but each life we save is worth it and they always go to the right homes xxx

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