Live in 'Hope

I was allowed a day's outing today as a result of my recent impeccable behaviour.   We went for a meal at Robertsons' in the 'Hope.

I found out today that CMC can even shop under Covid conditions.  Helen was on duty in the shop.

There was even an unscheduled bilateral Blip meet.  The young lady in question is such a good dancer and, even in the middle of a Lampblack Lizzie, can be totally relied on.

We even ventured as far as St Olav's Woods.  We felt so much easier when we had retreated over all barriers.

Needing items for the Hoy bolt hole, I called in past the builder's merchant in Kirkwall on the way home.  Closed, very early, for stock take.

Came home and the Current Mrs Creel encouraged me to put my feet up and have a Compass Box whisky.

I feel like a trophy husband.  But where can I get one in a pandemic?

Breaking news: Beaky (out of Dave Dee, Dozy etc) is 76.

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