By lizzie_birkett

What a Bruiser...

...of a sky! (no editing done to the pic)
I haven't taken a photo today so this is from yesterday late afternoon. We had torrential rain most of the day and heavy hailstones at one point.

Today has been bright sunshine but a really cold wind. 
We have come back to the house for a while as a local man is putting new grids above the cellar windows and Frank has someone coming to buy his motorbike helmet - end of an era for him :-(
Also I need some yarn from my knitting stash upstairs.
It will be nice to be here for a while and see the neighbours. Chris from next door but one knocked on the door and gave me a handful of French beans which we will have for tea. 
Bella May has seen all her young pals over the garden gate - they were heading out to play footie.

I was in the kitchen before and Bella slunk past me on her way to the back door. She had her head down but her eyes were looking up at me a bit shifty. It was then I noticed something sticking out one side of her mouth. She had been in the bag from the boat and found the Whimzee chewy treats and helped herself to one! I couldn't take it off her, even though she already had one this morning. She took her time chewing and savouring it in the garden. She's not a greedy dog and eats like a lady. :-D

I hurt my back earlier just moving normally. I've taken paracetamol and ibuprofen together. It usually does the trick.

I'll probably be doing patchwork in the daytime and knitting in the evening while we're here. It's going to rain all next week.

Have a good weekend folks :-)X

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