one day in France

By Frenchtoast

My evening looks like this.........

Well I've had a busy day today! We had a huge storm in the night, and lots more rain during the morning, but I fed hens, dog and tortoise, I walked Elvis, went to the hairdressers, took Mr F to physio, brought him home, made his lunch and then met the usual gang at the usual restaurant in the village for lunch. Mr F wasn't up to it, so he stayed home.
Then on the way home I called in a the supermarket, put the shopping away, hoovered the dog hair off all the floors in the house, made Mr F a cup of tea and opened the door when the nurse arrived.
The nurse had come to look at Mr F's wound and change his dressing for the first time, but as I have already changed it three times since he's been home she said I may as well continue until it's time for him to have his clips out, and they won't let me do that! It invalidates the insurance apparently!
Now I'd better empty the dishwasher as I haven't even done that today, and go in search of the eggs which our hens are laying in secret places and not in the nesting boxes.
Then hopefully it will be time to open the gin which my daughter bought me when she came to visit!

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