
By DramaQueen

Eat out to help out

We've always known we have a local sparrowhawk, but usually the only time we know he's been is when we find either a pile of feathers or a half-eaten carcass.

So imagine my delight today to actually see him 'eating out to help out' by lessening the pigeon population in our front garden!

Credit goes to our 'hawk-eye' neighbour who gave us the heads up on Facebook that he was feasting away out front.

We have only seen him up close once before and sadly, our presence disturbed him, so he flew away and didn't come back. This meant a stealth like mission for me today, slowly inching open the bedroom window until I could get my camera through the gap.

He was there for a good 20 minutes, so obviously felt safe there until little George next door came home from Grandad's but has left us Mr A a bit of a gooey mess to clear up. :-0

DQ x

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