If You Could See Me Now



Can't concerntrate enough to edit, or to upload the rest of tonights shots.

Did a practise shoot with mygood friend Lisa, who has once again fallen victim to my blip ;)

She went home with half her face painted like a clown!

Promise to link you to the rest of them tomorrow :)

We had a seminar kind of thing today to talk about "Drugs and Alcohol."

Two things stick with me...

1) The guy taking the seminar was talking about how drugs give men "erectile" problems. He said "Boys, if you don't know what that means, go into town and try sticking a marshmallow into a parking meter." - Pretty much nearly died laughing!


2) They played the video clip for Simple Plan's "Untitled" which brought back so many memories of year 10.

And I can't remember what else happened..

Hump day tomorrow :) :) :)

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