All aflutter
Today when I awoke, my eyelids were puffy and tender but putting some Vaseline on them as instructed, was soothing and although a little of the 'tenderness' has been noticeable throughout the day, it hasn't been uncomfortable. So far so good and I'm still happy with my choice to have done this.
I spent a couple of hours outside today and although it was overcast the sun was still bright (now there's an oxymoron) and it certainly got warm in the afternoon.(80ºF). The Ruby Throated Hummingbirds are still here and the Cloudless Sulphur Butterflies were all aflutter amongst the few flowers I have left.
I've been ferociously reading of late but need to buckle down on my bead weaving as I've got baubles to get done.
Stay home if you can and take care of yourself and each other xx
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