One of the reasons for choosing this as my blip was that there was a real nip in the air first thing, with condensation on my car and mist rising from the garden when I arrived at work. I took this photo in the afternoon and there was still a lot of dew around.
I managed to fall over in my flat before going to work and N gave a bit of first aid to my head which I'd cut open - not at all seriously though. I think I tripped over stuff on the floor, so it's definitely time to do some serious clearing up. This came a week after I fell walking to the bus stop from the garage when I was having my car MOT'd and serviced. Not a good thing to be doing, especially as I have osteoporosis. I'm clumsy at the best of times and sometimes fairly distracted, I think this morning I was concerned about Robbie. However, he seemed in good form when I came home, so maybe that will protect me from further injury!
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