Islands in the Sun

A day of light winds, and after all the mind-numbing pronouncements of the previous day, I decided a day floating free would be just the tonic. Which indeed it was. The sun was out, there was a mirage on the water, making the Briggs look like they were floating, and it was warm enough at first to bob along in a t-shirt. Out round the back of Inchkeith, past the famously photographed wreck of HMS Switha (extra for an updated snap), and right into Kinghorn Bay before a strengthening cold NE wind blew me home.
A brief chat about cars with the SK …she’s after a certain car which isn’t made any more, though it appears that there are a few low mileage second hand ones out there. Though once you factor in that an automatic is obligatory, that number shrinks alarmingly. And then… there’s the colour.
That’s one for sale then.  

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