
I woke up this morning in some state precariously balanced between panic and fury. Another heat wave looms on the horizon, and we have made many (mostly) unreturned phone calls but seem no closer to a solution to the battery/pump conundrum . It has been suggested that we might need a new well pump. But I will say no more other than to say that almost certainly there will be another power shutdown which will leave us with the threat of fire and no water yet again. 

Today the weather is just about perfect, so in search of a physical and mental reset I took myself back to Spring Lake. There are paths that are less traveled, so I took  one of them and was rewarded with fewer people,  a fine view of the lake, and yet another flock of geese overhead. I didn't realize until I looked at this picture that I actually captured them as they flew through a low spot in the hills. You can see three of them in mid picture silhouetted against the sky and if you look very closely you might be able to see the rest of them camouflaged against the hills to the right. Spring Lake itself is a man made dam, so I am tagging it for Wide Angle Wednesday. 

Although it seems that just the other day I was celebrating an eight year blip milestone, I seem to have achieved 3,000 blips with this post which gives me the opportunity to thank everybody involved with this wonderful community again. Whether you are a casual visitor to this journal or a regular follower, whether you comment or not, or if you are one of the people working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly, I appreciate all of you. Your interest, your support and your own stories have kept me going from my very first post to this one and YOU are the ones who deserve the red balloon, so I have put one in the sky for you. Thank you all for being there.

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