Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Bruce and Mary

At the very beginning of lockdown we had ordered a pond . It’s an above ground pond .. after a few weeks of letting it ‘cycle’ so the beneficial bacteria breeds and the water gets just right ( it’s very scientific) we added plants ( which the fish subsequently ate ) and prettied it all up .. we eventually added 5 common goldfish .. if you put too many in it’s harder to keep clean as fish of course swim in their own waste ... plus they grow up to 20cm if cared for well . After LOTS of research I also found out it’s a myth they only grow to the size of the tank/pond . Anyway all 5 fish look different so they are all named . They now come up to the surface and take fish pellets from us !!!
My extra photo is of the actual pond .

PS .. the world of ponds and fish keeping is really bitchy online. I WAS a member of a few groups, not anymore they are HATEFUL. Awful judgmental Psychotic argumentative nut jobs !!

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