Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

There's nothing here for you to see...

...and I never saw any peanuts.  Not a single one.

I found myself sitting on the patio this afternoon with a scoop of raw peanuts, chumming the chipmunks and blue jays.  It was just great fun and made me laugh.  The chipmunks are just ridiculously cute.  Some are too young to have sufficiently stretched their cheek pouches enough to accommodate two peanuts, but this one had the pouching thing well in hand.  One of the chipmunks has figured out that if he shells the peanuts first, he can get a lot more food, so he rapidly chews through the shells and extracts the nuts.  

This morning Osuzanna and I were able to catch up on the phone which was great fun.  We talked about Covid, computers, politics, families and other assorted things.  It was so good to hear her voice.  

Tomorrow morning I'm meeting my birder friend for a walk - looking forward to it as the weather is very enjoyable at the moment.  Hopefully Thursday I can take the kayak out.  Summer is racing by...

The United States hit a very sad milestone today with 200,000 deaths to Covid 19.  I think that we have become almost numb in some respects - maybe its the only way not to spiral into depression.  But, I remind myself that every single person who lost their life to this virus left behind people who loved them, people who are grieving.  Meanwhile, our politicians are busy trying to put a positive spin on our situation.  It's repugnant.

Stay safe.  Be kind.  Be patient.


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