Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

Rain, rain, go to Spain!

Got home from Anthony's after 3 this morning. Had just over 3 hours sleep, before having to get up to take A to work. When I got back home, I went straight back to bed... Got up around 11.30 and ready for to go meet some of the uni ones for lunch with potential MA's, it was a lot of fun!

Got home from lunch just after 4, then had to leave for work at 4.25. Took this pic while waiting on Luke, it was such a horrible day. Got into work and wasn't in the book, was happy enough to go home, but they sent me to maternity, always nice to see the wee babies. Got home just after 9, saw the end of the United game. Lack of sleep is starting to catch up on me, bed is calling...


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