2013 in picture memories

By MoAllan


What a horrible day weather wise. Poor mum couldn't get out for a walk. Waited until the last minute to pack the car for journey home as we were hoping the weather might let up.
It snowed, then sleeted then sleeted some more before raining and then raining and gusting heavy winds. I discovered my waterproof boots were not so waterproof and there had been no point in straightening my hair.
Now we are on our way home. I managed to get in the wrong lane in Glasgow and do a little 2 min tour of an industrial estate before finding the right way ( new road layouts since last visit)
Jamie managed to miss the turnoff for Stirling but as this took us past Bothwell services I didn't mind. Bothwell services was the first place we held hands about 29 years ago. Aww I hear you gag. We had been friends for months but just friends until that point.
So now we are heading north. How far we will get remains to be seen. One friend has already cut his losses and decided to stay overnight with friends in Dindee. We are planning to press on as the only guys we know in Dundee are students and I can't see us arriving at their flats making their night!

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