The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon

"Want that one"

I wanted to blip the circular windows I spotted last week on my way into Marple for work today, but I was running late, and it was snowing. It was still snowing when I left work so I'm saving that for another day. A vase of tulips caught my eye in the office. Me: "Oo, I want that tulip" Boss: "ummm... ok... do you want the dead carnations in the kitchen too?" I turned them down although they were a rather nice purple.

When I got home I had the daft idea of having a walk down the back road to see if it looked pretty enough to photograph. Cars seemed to be turning back and I couldn't initially see why until I rounded the bend. It was another world around the corner - it was hideous. A howling gale was whipping the snow off the fields, I was snowblasted and it was a total blizzard/whiteout. Vehicles were really struggling, it had got quite deep on the road. Two separate ladies offered me a lift, not realising I was just a nutter who was willingly out in that weather. Although quite exciting at first, I did start to regret being out and was glad to be only a few minutes from home! I took some photos, when I could see through the viewfinder. They're.... well, white mainly!

When I'd thawed out I did something much more civilised and played with the tulip in my homemade lightbox - I'm quite enjoying the challenge of still-life at the moment, all good practise and just used whatever natural light there was coming from the window, similar set up to yesterday's rose.

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