Private Moments
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
To be honest, if I was called Jack, I’d be a dull boy. I am working a lot of hours this week. One of the downsides of working from home is that it’s too easy to end up doing very long days.
One of the upsides is being able to poo whenever I want. At any time of day*. Obviously I didn’t go in the office toilets because I’m not a monster so it’s quite liberating. Literally!
I was discussing this with The Eldest Mini Princess who said that she has NEVER pooed in the toilets at school and neither have any of the girls in her posse. Unsurprisingly it’s a slightly different story for the boys. On their group WhatsApp chat, two of the boys send selfies (headshot only) whenever they go for a poo at school just to let everyone know!
*although I do tend to avoid conference calls.
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