today's another day

By dbrereton

A day with Mark

After being driven north last night to an unknown destination, which turned out to be Penrith, the birthday treat organised by my good friend Craig was finally revealed.

After a tea and a few beers at we ended up in Fell Bar, and we're joined by Mark Littlejohn, who I have been following for ages on Twitter.

Mark is an award winning landscape photographer, and soon on the move from the Lake District back up to NW Scotland, but before he goes Craig and I were his pupils for the day. I suspect his last ones Lakeland.

Starting at 6am in the dark, we headed to Rydal and Grasmere, then Thirlmere and some hidden nooks and crannies.

Lots of images now to play with after sitting down for the last hour and looking at processing too.

A great day, and here's one of Grasmere with a little of the early morning mist, and few more in the extras.


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