Can you say it didn't happen?

Prince Samuel and I went to Seneca Park this evening so the music in the car and the walk in a new place would distract me. It looks very different in the daytime. (I've only been there at night for the Winter Light Festival.) There were lots of little groups of diverse people playing soccer, playing at the playground, celebrating a birthday, enjoying a baby shower, doing a ritual that involved wrapping up young women in long streams of white and seemed marital. 


An anomaly opened in space-time and a T-Rex emerged. People ran and screamed and got in their cars and raced away. The park staff drove up in their truck. It was pandemonium. Then Professor Nick Cutter, Stephen Hart, Connor Temple, and Abby Maitland arrived and got it all under control and sent the T-Rex back through the anomaly. 

Oh wait, this is the US. 

A team of Canadians, all wearing masks, arrived on the scene, I have no idea how. Connor Temple was there but also Evan Cross, Dylan Weir, Mac Rendell, Toby Nance, and Angelika Finch. Samuel and I hid in the trees and Samuel did not bark. Lots of action and shooting (its the US) but they got the T-Rex back into an anomaly. 

After the adventure I drove off into gorgeous streaks of pink and blue and white in the sky.

Can you say it didn't happen?

It is 2020 and I have pictures. 

(One of the things I loved about admirer is the name she chose, so it seemed like I had an admirer giving me stars and laughs.)

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