What a day!!!
A real roller coaster of a birthday!! Mostly fun, ..... cards, presents, text messages, emails and visitors before a trip to London to see the Bodyguard.
Big worry that B wasn't going to be fit enough to travel, even though it was a coach journey from the village to the theatre and back (almost door to door). At 1pm I was all for abandoning the idea, but he was determined to do it. He was almost rattling with all the tablets I dispensed at regular intervals to reduce the pain, without making him too sleepy!!
We had a most enjoyable meal at a restaurant close to the theatre. I had the best tasting shank of lamb I've eaten outside New Zealand. Surprising since it was an Italian restaurant!!!
The blip is the back of the bench seat across from where we were sitting!! Taken with my phone as a "just in case I don't get anything better to blip".
Just as well as the picture of the theatre programme I took at 23.57 when we got home, says 00.57 on the camera details!!! On a positive note, that's the 13th sorted!!
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