3 years!!

Where did that time go?

I could be referring to the last week because today is the last day of our holiday and the week has flown past or I could also be referring to the last 3 years because today is the 3rd anniversary of me starting to blip and that has also flown past!

We were up early and packing before breakfast together then the journey home began.

The holiday season is in full swing still so the holiday traffic was going to be rather heavy. I'm very fortunate on more than one account, RF was looking at likely holdups ahead and found a route that took us off the main dual carriageway prior to Exeter, we passed lots of slow moving traffic and drove through the centre of the city instead. She directed us along various roads, missing all the obvious routes and all the slow traffic and we had an enjoyable trip home. Thank you RF, Angelique and Mr A for a fabulous holiday.

The photo is somewhat different to others I take, each bin representing one year of blip, and was our lunchtime view in a carpark eating a panini, I hope it brings a smile to all the lovely people who read my posts and help share my journey as I record each day since starting this venture.

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