Not A Great Start

The sunrise was fine - but I managed to go base over apex in the wet sand.
The camera was covered - the camera bag was covered - the remote release was covered - and I was covered.

So that was the end of the first location.
Luckily I was  heading home later so I had clothes to change into (apart from my socks .... they were dry) back at the car. I also had to towel off various bits of equipment to get rid of sand and salt water.
Things seem to be doing okay so far.

After changing, drying stuff and the others arriving back at the cars it was off to Lindisfarne for the day.
We were on the island about an hour and a half before the causeway was due to be closed by the tide.
The car park was absolutely heaving (as was the village) but by the time I had taken a wander up the beach and taken some pictures there below the castle and walked round to the back there was a total of 3 people and the village was nearly a ghost town. That made it a lot easier to wander about and get pictures without hundreds of people getting in the way.
There were a few bodies lying about near the Priory where there was an archaeological dig going on. Apparently there has been one each year for the last 10 years.

When we got together for a refreshment there were dozens of sparrows hanging about and with a bit of gentle persuasion ( and some crumbs) one of the group had them eating out of his hands - not that easy to photograph for me, but a piece of cake for somebody with a massively high shooting rate.
There was no sunset and I decided not to hang about and see if there was the chance of star shots, so I was off the island shortly after the causeway opened (with a quick stop halfway over to get a couple of shots of what little colour there was.

The drive home was remarkably quiet so I was home earlier than expected.

I have posted pictures starting HERE.

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