
By stellarossa


It’s been a beautiful day after a week of being chained to the laptop. I nipped out at 7am on the bike to pick up papers then sat with the pup snuggled on my lap drinking coffee and perusing the rather dismal news on the Covid front.

Tom is trying to manage the new restrictions in Newcastle, and Josh’s surfing trip this weekend has been hastily rearranged into three groups of 4 who will each share cars, tents, sit together at the pub, and maintain a distance from each other.

I went up to Shotover with Juno for a hike and she was absolutely delighted to meet a 7 month old cocker puppy and the pair of them played beautifully, lots of chasing and fun. I hope we meet them again.

I spent the afternoon sorting out the front garden as Juno sat behind the puppy gate desperately trying to get passers-by the give her attention. This pup is so hyper social, but also incredibly happy - whenever we go out at least one or two people make a remark about how happy she is. Lovely.

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