Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Afternoon light

I have been struggling lately on my morning runs, which I always do first thing before breakfast. So this morning I had a shot of cold brew coffee which a friend recently told me about - it was delicious and it did seem to give me an extra spark in my step! I am new to cold brews, I know they have been popular in the USA for a long time, and they are quite delicious as they are so smooth.

I wanted to try somewhere different to walk today so we went to Ashtead Common - we had a good walk but I think that where I usually walk is far prettier and more interesting for Xena. 

Gavin and I popped into the village to get some things and ended up having a smoothie and salad for lunch at the vegan cafe. They have a few tables outside so we sat there but usually it is more popular for take away foods and drinks.

After lunch I had arranged to phone the person who going to help me settle into the camera club, and after speaking for a few moments on the phone she suggested I come to her house as it would be easier to discuss things face to face. We sat outside, quite far apart, and she very kindly told me all about the club and we discussed my photography etc. I think I will enjoy being part of this club, its just a pity that I won't get to meet other members in person while we have the Coronavirus restrictions.

Gavin and I had a very late afternoon walk with Xena where the light looked lovely on this harvested field, it was all golden and the sky was an incredible azure blue, as can be seen here.

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