Northern Exposure

By Northern


Today we made a discovery. A discovery shocking on a personal level and in that a thing we assumed was a tale from folklore become urban (and rural) myth has a very sound basis in fact.

Warning, read no further if squeamish .

Steven has had a problem with an irritated ear for over a year. Dry skin and eczema, extremely itchy and he kept saying it felt like something was stuck inside. The doc had a look and said that apart from having an unusually narrow ear canal everything was clear. Gave him cream for the irritation and has checked it regularly.

This morning Steven was using a cotton bud to apply cream inside and he took it out wrapped around the end was (you guessed yet?).... a dead earwig!

Not joking. 100% serious. Totally freaked us both out. We reckon that thing must have crawled in there over a year ago and had become mummified in ear wax.

Still grossed out by it.

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