Mission Just About Possible

We've found it difficult lately to obtain mrsfb's favourite chocolate bar from any of our usual stores so I decided to see if I could buy some on line. The Amazon price was about twice the normal retail price but I managed to source a pack of 24 from a well known high street name's on line store. They arrived today, but have a best before date of the end of October. Taking into account fasting days she will just about be able to consume them within that time period, with some help from me I suppose although I'm not that keen on them. The slight complication is that yesterday we had some good news about her hip replacement. I made a formal complaint to Southmead about the recent news that she was now on a 12-15 months waiting list and we got a response booking her in on October 17th!  We are very pleased but still a bit shocked, sad that you have to complain before you get a positive response, and hoping that the current Covid trends do not put a spanner in the works.

Coming back to the KitKats we also now have 24 chances to win an £8000 holiday in Barbados, if they haven't already been won I guess.

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