Morning Has Broken

All packed and on  the road by 4.30am.
I was on the beach at Embleton in time for sunrise but not quite early enough to get in position to get the sun rising behand (or slightly to the left of) Dunstanburgh Castle. 
As I walked back to the car through the dunes I turned round and saw this.
The sun was too high above the horizon for beach shots - but it was perfect to light the bush (with the bird on top) and the soft mist in the hollow (which lasted less than a minute).

It was then down to Blyth for breakfast before heading to New Biggin and a walk round the art trail.

The search for a sunset was concluded at a beach south of Amble overlooking a lighthouse.
The sunset never arrived due to clouds unfortunately.

It was then a trip back down to Seaton Sands to the hotel ................ a long day!

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