River of Flowers

By doffy

Thursday: Tomato Crop & Courgettes etc.

Another warm, sunny day with blue sky all day :-))
Today’s gardening job: clear all the tomato plants from the greenhouse, picking off tomatoes, recycling compost & pots as we go, plants into green bin ... job done. Surprised to end up with a colander full, looked like next-to-nothing on the plants!
The round courgette is “Yellow Bush Custard” which is a first for me, hope it grows to a decent size.
Green courgettes still going strong, I’ve picked and enjoyed a couple of dozen already - plants are drying out quickly so watering every day.
I have a tub of physalis in the greenhouse, https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/4716717 - looks like they’re at least 7 yrs old! Have eaten a few fruit this summer & shared a few!
This evening MrD and I watched “Casablanca”, still magical.
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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