It's been a Blizzardly

Day started about 8am and it's nearly 3 and hasn't stopped
it's that thick wet stuff with high winds, it's the stuff that
causes power cuts, so that's why Im putting on my blip
early.I went out and risked life an limb to take this shot
Not really I hung out the kitchen window
Apart from clearing snow walking dogs getting coal and
logs in lighting the fire, eating and a tiny bit of ironing
I haven't done much today, Oh I did prepare supper a
chillie and tomatoe sausage casserole, vegy one for me
real porkers for Mr Lem, oh we know how to live hahaha
I was supposed to meet with child Grand daughter today
but I cancelled, the top road is lethal when we get snow
like this, it's ok getting out it's the coming home bit which
worries me, so we will go look at Cotbeds another day.
Hope you all having a great day and keep warm :-)

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