Exit stage left

By NessD

Control centre

...which is ironic as for most of the day the last thing I felt was in control!

I didn't have enough holiday left to take the whole of show week off so had booked some late starts. Today, however, I was somewhat later than planned thanks to the entire length of the M27 resembling a car park. And then once I did get to work they'd blocked all bar one convoluted route to "the island" but being a contractor I don't get the email about access. So from leaving home on time I was almost an hour late down to the little portacabin where I spend my Tuesday mornings. Just about managed to get the place thawed out before I had to return to the main department. Only to find my company and the company I'm working at getting into a complete flap because a bigwig was coming in to see me. If I wasn't stressed already! Luckily, instead of taking it on board I managed to tell them all to calm down and let me get on with it. And all was good.

Late home, yummy pancakes and then off to the theatre to find myself minus one lighting op. Experienced substitute to the rescue and the show went so smoothly.

In all the chaos, I only pointed my phone camera at one thing and so this is the picture you have. No amount of filters was going to rescue it so it's there raw as a filler and a back blip. In my first week, oops, I'm not sure that's a good sign. Maybe I need a DSM desk set up for my whole life and not just the show!

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