Scarecrow on the golf course

To frighten away birds from the green or awful hackers who might spoil the pristine surface? It's the first time ever I've seen such a thing. And it looks rather spooky standing here, looking pointedly at the green.

That walk was a respite from earlier in the day when the morning was once again take up with seeing to Doreen. Another visit by the district nurse was sandwiched in between dismantling and moving her bed and the delivery and installation of a hospital bed and a  delivery from the pharmacy. At the same time the windows were being cleaned.

It was all go, as while all this was going on David and I cleared the bedroom he is going to decorate next week of all the furniture, having to find space for it all in the other rooms upstairs along with the old bed from downstairs. It is a good job we weren't doing it yesterday in all that heat.

We're hoping that tomorrow morning doesn't bring Doreen sandwiched into a V shape as a result of her confusing the various buttons of the remote. It's salutary to learn that every device that we have to help her remove one set of problems but cause another set to appear.

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