Wednesday Waving

Nate went off incredibly happily again - it's sooo lovely when the day starts happily like that!
Lockdown maps have come out and we've escaped by about 80 metres!!! So we won't be included in the new restrictions...those will be that people living in the confined area (most of Ibiza Town) won't be able to leave that area and they should stay in unless they're going to school/work/hospital/essential shopping. And no-one can enter that area either, unless (wait for it) you're a tourist!!!! In which case you can go wherever whenever!!!! How crazy is that?! And just to add to it all, the army have arrived and are heavily armed, ready to police this lockdown. Nude cafe is in the restriction zone, so we won't be going there for a while!
Tonight we went to the rocky beach and then on to Sole - she was waving madly out of her window, she's to the right of the lamppost in front of the cells.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A morning with Danny.
2) Time with just Asha this afternoon.
3) Being outside the lockdown zone.

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