Seali Brig

A stunning day of sunshine, all day.  Calm all day, and warm.  A still calm evening.

I've had a day off work, and hit that lucky.  Spent the morning puttering about the house and garden.  Headed out in the late morning for a walk with Sammy.  Mam and dad popped by this evening, and headed for a walk again.  Working in the pub later.  

My walk took me by the Sullom quarry, Burland and the broch, down the Seali Burn and back into Sullom.  Spoke with Ian Peterson too.  As I came down the burn, I came across the old brig.  This was part of the meal road projects in the mid 1800s, and was to link up the village of Sullom with Gluss and Ollaberry.  The poor folk worked all day, and their wage was paid with a meal of oats or grain.  The road was never finished, and now in the middle of nowhere, but handy for sheep crossing.  Taken on the Seali Burn, Sullom. 

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