
By ayearinthelife

Misty Morning Hop

My very first blip on 31st May this year recorded that I had just run 10K for the first time in my life. Unfortunately - up to this point - it was also the last 10K I ran!
My right knee objected to doing that sort of distance and has given me grief ever since. At one point I could barely manage 3K without pulling up in pain. Some strengthening exercises in the gym since 1st August, have meant that I can now comfortably manage a 5K once a week or so, but I’ve been loathe to try anything further.
However, I learnt at the weekend that my sister has entered me in the Chester 10K race in March next year. I recall her promising to do this as a 60th birthday present for me but, not having heard anything, had assumed it was not going to happen!
Anyway, it’s definitely on, so I thought I’d better see where I was at in terms of pace and stamina. Original forecast for today was hot and sunny, so I went out early hoping for cool conditions. Forecast wrong (no surprises there!) as it was actually quite foggy all the way round which, in turn, meant it was fairly muggy.
In the event, I managed 8K before the knee started to twinge and I decided to call it a day. Quite pleased with that for a first attempt at distance in over three months. And if I could have kept up the pace for another 2K, I’d have done the distance well within the race cut off time of 1hour 30 minutes, so that bodes well.
Still six months to go so I don’t want to peak too soon, but I would like to at least have done the required distance before winter sets in. But let’s see how the knee feels tomorrow morning first.......

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